IT is alive ...
The Little Bit
Hominous Partious Animalous -"Party Animal"
Found at The Little Bit
Very energetic people, who love to party. They usually like High Beat Music, Splendid Light Shows Fireworks, Food, Drinks, Snacks, Feature BlockBuster Films, Games and Good Times.
First discovered in 1991, when Alex merged the Computer and Entertainment System together to create "The Ultimate Gaming Machine" evolving into an instrument for Education, Entertainment, and Testing new ways to "Thrill the Senses", there was a point in competing with the Movie Theater, the Arcade, and the Concert Hall.
Now all this plus more is offered from a "Do It Yourself" point of View.
Yes, 300 years into your future, the instrument for such entertainment and education is called the "Holodeck" as an empty room becomes the environment you are creating with interactive recreations of people, animals, items, you will not need to wear any 3D Glasses here.
For now, our "Low tech Gone Wild" moto has surpassed expectations to stir with some help from your imagination, the perfect moment.
Words are an important part of conveying ideas, Books are a foundation of great ideas. TLB branches out and uses the Spoken Word, the Sung Word, the Shown Word, and conveys the story literally Life Size in front of you.
We invite you to make a reservation and visit us on "Exposition Day", the Staycation away from everyday work, school, and well the stresses of everyday Life.
There is a Formula that is used and we seem to perfect it every time:
The Arrival, This is where YOU ALL COME IN!!! HELLO!, YOU MADE IT!
Brief Safety Check, you will not even know it. Drop your Party Donations in the Kitchen, take Your Seats and hang on !!!
A great Eday experience begins with "Welcome to the Party Fireworks"
Then, a brief tour of the Set called "MONSTER"
We go into a 3D IMAX Film, or Ridefilm, when the Motion Couch is in use.
Dig in to the Pizza, Drink Up me hardies yo Ho !!!
THE BLOCKBUSTER FEATURE FILM the one you all have been yearning to see oh my Goodness, can you feel the anticipation, you are about to experience this on a 10 foot screen, 2000 watts of Audio from 42 Speakers surrounding you from 7 directions, and Tactile Pillow Top Seating allows you to feel the action.
After living through such an experience, and NOT HAVING TO PAY FOR ANYTHING, not a Movie Ticket, not Concession Stand Snacks, Not Dinner, amazing. Who would not want to hang out at The Little Bit.
After all of that, we break out the GAMES, play hard.
Finally, the Exposition part of Eday, where we have mini Concerts, ShortFilms those things that you have never heard of, or seen before. You may actually learn something new.
There is something special at the end of Eday, "Happily Ever After Ice Cream Cake"
Oh My God, The Drinks are all GONE, that means GET THE HECK OUT !!!! and come again.
That would be the wish of the Host to give you "to have a safe journey back home."
"The Little Bit" continues its proud tradition to hold "Exposition Day" (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) to feature more 3D films, Games, Concerts, and IMAX.
Backyard Wave Pool with Slippery Water Slide! Pool Parties, Wood Patios, Pillow Fights, Mini Golf, Bumper Cars, LEGOS, lots of LEGOS, 100 Pin Bowling! NERF FOAM WARFARE!!! LASER TAG << KABOOM >>
Make your reservation now !
Call us at 772 8072295
By CAR, 0609.11, updated 1103.22, updated 1207.09, updated 1401.29, updated 1408.14, updated 1605.27, updated 1612.15
Here is what is happening RIGHT NOW at The Little Bit:
The MONSTER project will soon include "RideFilm Mode".
GAME TIME, Immersible, Enthralling, Captivating,
IT JUST PLAIN KICKS ASS !!! (Special of the day: LAN Party)
THE LITTLE BIT, where electricity and envy both happen !
"Do It Yourself" performance like no other...
You can always email us for information
(Please specify "TLB Eday" in the Subject when inquiring, I mean it, if you
write to us, and the subject is other than TLB Eday, it all goes to our hatemail.)

MONSTER is an acronym for:
Multimedia, Operational, Network, System, Technology, Extreme, Revolution
The Little Bit: Where all audio channels are all bi-amped !!!
The Little Bit: Where we feature the BORDERLESS Screen.
The Little Bit: Where we use 3 HD DLP Projection Cameras.
The Little Bit: Where part adventure, part comedy, part drama, part horror play at the same time.
The Little Bit: LOW TECH GONE WILD !!!
Welcome to Exposition Day, I am the HOST with the MOST.
It takes several hours to wire components On or Off the stacks.
It takes me more time to configure them autonomously through the computer.
When it all works, it all works Synergistically well.
Over 4 miles of copper wire are in this room.
Only a few feet of FiberOptic Glass Wire tap the mains of the stacks to the computers.
There are no wireless signals in MONSTER due to data compression and purity control of the feed content. The end result is an totally immersive experience, with a little help from your imagination.
One day we will use the "HOLODECK" from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
The Little Bit:
Low tech Gone Wild !!!
Whats in the works:
TLB is my testbed, if I can do it in here, I can do it out there, (Good Talent Low Cost Production, Well Received Shows)
- Stage Concerts from Classic Fine Arts to Contemporary Hits
- A/V Support, Stagehand, Sound, Lighting, Photography, Motion Picture Recording, Editing, Production.
- Live Events, DJ, for cause, representation, or just to jam it out
- In the end, I offer my services to ENTERTAIN and INSPIRE everyone just to try harder and "Do It Yourself".
With all this in check, everyone is mezmorized forever.
You read right, LINUX has been discovered to work wonders on my newest HTPC (Home Theater Presentation Computer) TLB is all about openware, worldwide low cost, high result research and development. That is why Linux UBUNTU was the OS to make the MONSTER roar!!!!! In it's own revolution with Open Source Code WORLDWIDE, the humanity factor behind all of this brings out the best in all of us.
Soon, the computers we will use will work as fast as thought!!! LINUX unites us in a special way.
Just as the Personal Computer (PC) was created better in a many car garages everywhere, we now continue as many roles engineering better ways to use what we have now.
Low Tech Gone Wild (as we say here) means "We DO the BEST we CAN with WHAT WE HAVE, where WE ARE."
The Little Bit
Conservatory of Self Conscientiousness
University of Self Reliance
School of Superthoughtfulness
It is, basically, Teach Yourself so you can
Do It Yourself.